from typing import Callable, Optional
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import Tensor
class Poly1CrossEntropyLoss(nn.Module):
"""Poly-1 Cross-Entropy Loss
Adapted from `abhuse/polyloss-pytorch <>`_.
Reference: `PolyLoss: A Polynomial Expansion Perspective of Classification Loss Functions <>`_.
def __init__(
epsilon: float = 1.0,
reduction: str = "none",
weight: Optional[Tensor] = None
Create instance of Poly1CrossEntropyLoss
:param num_classes:
:param epsilon:
:param reduction: one of none|sum|mean, apply reduction to final loss tensor
:param weight: manual rescaling weight for each class, passed to Cross-Entropy loss
super(Poly1CrossEntropyLoss, self).__init__()
self.epsilon = epsilon
self.reduction = reduction
self.weight = weight
def forward(self, logits, labels, **kwargs):
Forward pass
:param logits: tensor of shape [N, num_classes]
:param labels: tensor of shape [N]
:return: poly cross-entropy loss
probs = F.softmax(logits, dim=-1)
if self.weight is not None:
self.weight =
probs = probs * self.weight.unsqueeze(0) / self.weight.mean()
pt = torch.gather(probs, -1, labels.unsqueeze(1))[:, 0]
CE = F.cross_entropy(
input=logits, target=labels, reduction="none", weight=self.weight
poly1 = CE + self.epsilon * (1 - pt)
if self.reduction == "mean":
poly1 = poly1.mean()
elif self.reduction == "sum":
poly1 = poly1.sum()
return poly1
class Poly1FocalLoss(nn.Module):
"""Poly-1 Focal Loss
Adapted from `abhuse/polyloss-pytorch <>`_.
Reference: `PolyLoss: A Polynomial Expansion Perspective of Classification Loss Functions <>`_.
def __init__(
num_classes: int,
epsilon: float = 1.0,
alpha: float = 0.25,
gamma: float = 2.0,
reduction: str = "none",
weight: Tensor = None,
label_is_onehot: bool = False,
Create instance of Poly1FocalLoss
:param num_classes: number of classes
:param epsilon: poly loss epsilon
:param alpha: focal loss alpha
:param gamma: focal loss gamma
:param reduction: one of none|sum|mean, apply reduction to final loss tensor
:param weight: manual rescaling weight for each class, passed to binary Cross-Entropy loss
:param label_is_onehot: set to True if labels are one-hot encoded
super(Poly1FocalLoss, self).__init__()
self.num_classes = num_classes
self.epsilon = epsilon
self.alpha = alpha
self.gamma = gamma
self.reduction = reduction
self.weight = weight
self.label_is_onehot = label_is_onehot
def forward(self, logits, labels):
Forward pass
:param logits: output of neural netwrok of shape [N, num_classes] or [N, num_classes, ...]
:param labels: ground truth tensor of shape [N] or [N, ...] with class ids if label_is_onehot was set to False, otherwise
one-hot encoded tensor of same shape as logits
:return: poly focal loss
# focal loss implementation taken from
p = torch.sigmoid(logits)
if not self.label_is_onehot:
# if labels are of shape [N]
# convert to one-hot tensor of shape [N, num_classes]
if labels.ndim == 1:
labels = F.one_hot(labels, num_classes=self.num_classes)
# if labels are of shape [N, ...] e.g. segmentation task
# convert to one-hot tensor of shape [N, num_classes, ...]
labels = (
F.one_hot(labels.unsqueeze(1), self.num_classes)
.transpose(1, -1)
labels =, dtype=logits.dtype)
ce_loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(
reduction="none", if self.weight is not None else None
pt = labels * p + (1 - labels) * (1 - p)
FL = ce_loss * ((1 - pt) ** self.gamma)
if self.alpha >= 0:
alpha_t = self.alpha * labels + (1 - self.alpha) * (1 - labels)
FL = alpha_t * FL
poly1 = FL + self.epsilon * torch.pow(1 - pt, self.gamma + 1)
if self.reduction == "mean":
poly1 = poly1.mean()
elif self.reduction == "sum":
poly1 = poly1.sum()
return poly1
def _linear_combination(x, y, epsilon):
return epsilon * x + (1 - epsilon) * y
class LabelSmoothCrossEntropy(nn.Module):
"""Cross Entropy with Label Smoothing
Reference: `wangleiofficial/lable-smoothing-pytorch <>`_
The ground truth label will have a value of `1-eps` in the target vector.
eps (float): the smoothing factor.
def __init__(self, eps: float):
self.eps = eps
def forward(self, preds, targets, weight=None):
n = preds.size()[-1]
log_preds = F.log_softmax(preds, dim=-1)
if weight is None:
loss = -log_preds.sum(dim=-1).mean()
loss = -(log_preds.sum(dim=-1) * weight.unsqueeze(0)).mean() / weight.mean()
nll = F.nll_loss(log_preds, targets, weight=weight)
return _linear_combination(loss / n, nll, self.eps)
class MixupSoftmaxLoss(nn.Module):
"""A softmax loss that supports MixUp augmentation.
It requires the input batch to be manipulated into certain format.
Works best with MixUpCallback, CutMixCallback, and SnapMixCallback.
Reference: `'s implementation <>`_
class_weights (torch.Tensor, optional): The weight of each class. Defaults to the same weight.
reduction (str, optional): Loss reduction method. Defaults to 'mean'.
label_smooth_eps (float, optional): If larger than zero, use `LabelSmoothedCrossEntropy` instead of `CrossEntropy`. Defaults to 0.
def __init__(
class_weights: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
reduction: str = "mean",
label_smooth_eps: float = 0,
poly1_eps: float = 0,
# setattr(self.crit, 'reduction', 'none')
self.reduction = reduction
self.weight = class_weights
assert not (
(label_smooth_eps > 0) and (poly1_eps != 0)
), "You cannot set both `label_smooth_eps` and `poly1_eps` to non-default values!"
if label_smooth_eps > 0:
self.loss_fn: Callable = LabelSmoothCrossEntropy(eps=label_smooth_eps)
elif poly1_eps != 0:
self.loss_fn = Poly1CrossEntropyLoss(epsilon=poly1_eps, weight=self.weight)
self.loss_fn = F.cross_entropy
def forward(self, output: torch.Tensor, target):
"""The feed-forward.
The target tensor should have three columns:
1. the first class.
2. the second class.
3. the lambda value to mix the above two classes.
output (torch.Tensor): the model output.
target (torch.Tensor): Shaped (batch_size, 3).
torch.Tensor: the result loss
if self.weight is not None:
self.weight =
weight = self.weight
if len(target.size()) == 2:
loss1 = self.loss_fn(output, target[:, 0].long(), weight=weight)
loss2 = self.loss_fn(output, target[:, 1].long(), weight=weight)
assert target.size(1) in (3, 4)
if target.size(1) == 3:
lambda_ = target[:, 2]
d = (loss1 * lambda_ + loss2 * (1 - lambda_)).mean()
lamb_1, lamb_2 = target[:, 2], target[:, 3]
d = (loss1 * lamb_1 + loss2 * lamb_2).mean()
# This handles the cases without MixUp for backward compatibility
d = self.loss_fn(output, target, weight=weight)
if self.reduction == "mean":
return d.mean()
elif self.reduction == "sum":
return d.sum()
return d