Source code for pytorch_lightning_spells

import pytorch_lightning as pl

from . import callbacks
from . import loggers
from . import losses
from . import optimizers
from . import utils
from . import lr_schedulers
from . import metrics
from . import samplers
from .version import (

[docs] class BaseModule(pl.LightningModule): """A boilerplate module with some sensible defaults. It logs the exponentially smoothed training losses, and the validation metrics. You need to implement the `training_step()` and `validation_step()` methods. Please refer to the `training_step_end()` and `validation_step_end()` methods for the expected output format. Args: ema_alpha (float, optional): the weight of the new training loss for the EMA aggregator. Defaults to 0.02. Example: >>> class TestModule(BaseModule): ... def __init__(self): ... super().__init__(ema_alpha=0.02) ... ... def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): ... return { ... "loss": torch.tensor(1), ... "log": batch_idx % self.trainer.accumulate_grad_batches == 0 ... } ... ... def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx): ... return { ... 'loss': torch.tensor(1), ... 'preds': torch.ones_like(batch[1]), ... 'target': batch[1] ... } ... >>> module = TestModule() """ def __init__(self, ema_alpha: float = 0.02): super().__init__() self.train_loss_tracker = utils.EMATracker(ema_alpha)
[docs] def get_progress_bar_dict(self): """Removes `v_num` from the progress bar. """ # don't show the experiment version number items = super().get_progress_bar_dict() items.pop("v_num", None) return items
def _should_log(self, flag): """Determines if the loss of this training step should be logged. Args: flag (Union[bool, List[bool]]): if this is a loggable step. Returns: bool: True if this step should be logged. """ if (self.trainer.global_step + 1) % self.trainer.log_every_n_steps == 0: if isinstance(flag, list): # for distributed training scenarios return flag[0] return flag return False
[docs] def training_step_end(self, outputs): # TODO: merge this into `train_step()` as DP is no longer supported """This method logs the training loss for you. It follows the `log_every_n_steps` attribute of the associated Trainer. The output from `.validation_step()` method must contains these two entries: 1. loss: the training loss. 2. log: a boolean value indicating if this is a loggable step. A loggable step is a step that involves an optimizer step. The opposite is a step that only updates the gradients but not the parameters(e.g., in gradient accumulation). Args: outputs (Dict): the output from `.training_step()` method. """ loss = outputs["loss"].mean() self.train_loss_tracker.update(loss.detach()) if self._should_log(outputs["log"]): for logger in self.loggers: logger.log_metrics({ "train_loss": self.train_loss_tracker.value }, step=self.global_step) return loss
[docs] def validation_step_end(self, outputs): # TODO: merge this into `validation_step()` as DP is no longer supported """This method logs the validation loss and metrics for you. The output from `.validation_step()` method must contains these three entries: 1. loss: the validation loss. 2. pred: the predicted labels or values. 3. target: the ground truth lables or values. Args: outputs (Dict): the output from `.validation_step()` method. """ self.log('val_loss', outputs['loss'].mean()) for name, metric in self.metrics: metric( outputs['pred'].view(-1).cpu(), outputs['target'].view(-1).cpu() ) self.log("val_" + name, metric)
[docs] def test_step(self, batch, batch_idx): """Simply defer to `.validation_step()` method.""" return self.validation_step(batch, batch_idx)
[docs] def test_step_end(self, outputs): # TODO: merge this into `test_step()` as DP is no longer supported """Basically the same as `.validation_step_ends()` method, but with a different prefix. """ # TODO: refactor to be able to simply defer to `.validation_step_ends()`? self.log('test_loss', outputs['loss'].mean()) for name, metric in self.metrics: metric( outputs['pred'].view(-1).cpu(), outputs['target'].view(-1).cpu() ) self.log("test_" + name, metric)