Source code for pytorch_lightning_spells.callbacks

import socket
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional, Sequence, Tuple

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import numpy as np
import pytorch_lightning as pl
from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import Callback, ModelCheckpoint
# from pytorch_lightning.utilities.exceptions import MisconfigurationException

from .cutmix_utils import cutmix_bbox_and_lam, rand_bbox, rand_bbox_minmax
from .snapmix_utils import get_spm

[docs] class RandomAugmentationChoiceCallback(Callback): """Randomly pick an augmentation callback to use for each batch. Also supports no-op warmups and no-op probability. Args: callbacks (Sequence[Callback]): A sequence of calbacks to choose from. p (Sequence[Callback]): A sequence of probabilities for the callbacks. no_op_warmup (int, optional): the number of initial steps that should not have any augmentation. Defaults to 0. no_op_prob (float, optional): the probability of a step that has no augmentation. Defaults to 0. """ def __init__( self, callbacks: Sequence[Callback], p: Sequence[Callback], no_op_warmup: int = 0, no_op_prob: float = 0): self.p = np.asarray(p) / np.sum(p) self.callbacks = callbacks self.no_op_warmup = no_op_warmup self.step = 0 self.no_op_prob = no_op_prob assert len(p) == len(callbacks)
[docs] def get_callback(self): return np.random.choice(self.callbacks, p=self.p)
[docs] def on_train_batch_start(self, trainer, pl_module, batch, batch_idx): self.step += 1 if self.no_op_warmup >= self.step: return if self.no_op_prob and np.random.random() < self.no_op_prob: return self.get_callback().on_train_batch_start( trainer, pl_module, batch, batch_idx )
[docs] class SnapMixCallback(Callback): """Callback that perform SnapMix augmentation on the input batch. Reference: `Shaoli-Huang/SnapMix <>`_ Warning: 1. **Requires the model to have implemented `extract_features` and `get_fc` methods.** 2. Can only run in CUDA-enabled environments. """ def __init__( self, model, image_size, half: bool = False, minmax: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, cutmix_bbox: bool = False, # cutmix style randbox alpha: float = 0.4, softmax_target: bool = True): self._model = model self._half = half self.image_size = image_size self.alpha = alpha self.minmax = minmax self.cutmix_bbox = cutmix_bbox assert softmax_target, "SnapMix only support softmax_target=True"
[docs] def on_train_batch_start(self, trainer, pl_module, batch, batch_idx): old_batch = batch batch, targets = batch target_activation_map = get_spm( batch, targets, self._model, self.image_size, self._half ) bs = batch.size(0) lamb_1 = np.clip(np.random.beta(self.alpha, self.alpha), 0.05, 0.95) lamb_2 = np.clip(np.random.beta(self.alpha, self.alpha), 0.05, 0.95) rand_index = torch.randperm(bs).cuda() target_activation_map_b = target_activation_map[rand_index, :, :] # same_label = target == target_b area_1, area_2, cnt = 0, 0, 0 while area_1 <= 0 or area_2 <= 0: if self.minmax: bby1_1, bby2_1, bbx1_1, bbx2_1 = rand_bbox_minmax( batch.size(), self.minmax) bby1_2, bby2_2, bbx1_2, bbx2_2 = rand_bbox_minmax( batch.size(), self.minmax) else: bby1_1, bby2_1, bbx1_1, bbx2_1 = rand_bbox(batch.size(), lamb_1) bby1_2, bby2_2, bbx1_2, bbx2_2 = rand_bbox(batch.size(), lamb_2) if self.cutmix_bbox is True: # Use only one random bounding box bby1_2, bby2_2, bbx1_2, bbx2_2 = bby1_1, bby2_1, bbx1_1, bbx2_1 area_1 = (bby2_1-bby1_1) * (bbx2_1-bbx1_1) area_2 = (bby2_2-bby1_2) * (bbx2_2-bbx1_2) cnt += 1 # Avoid infinite loops when something goes wrong assert cnt < 10, f"{lamb_1}, {lamb_2}" cropped = batch[rand_index, :, bby1_2:bby2_2, bbx1_2:bbx2_2].clone() if self.cutmix_bbox is False: cropped = F.interpolate( cropped, size=(bby2_1-bby1_1, bbx2_1-bbx1_1), mode='bilinear', align_corners=True ) batch[:, :, bby1_1:bby2_1, bbx1_1:bbx2_1] = cropped lamb_1 = ( 1 - target_activation_map[ :, bby1_1:bby2_1, bbx1_1:bbx2_1 ].sum(1).sum(1) ) lamb_2 = target_activation_map_b[ :, bby1_2:bby2_2, bbx1_2:bbx2_2 ].sum(1).sum(1) # Fall back to Cutmix lambda lamb_cutmix = 1 - ( (bbx2_1 - bbx1_1) * (bby2_1 - bby1_1) / (batch.size(2) * batch.size(3)) ) lamb_1[torch.isnan(lamb_1)] = lamb_cutmix lamb_2[torch.isnan(lamb_2)] = 1 - lamb_cutmix # Combine targets new_targets = torch.stack([ targets.float(), targets[rand_index].float(),, ], dim=1) old_batch[0] = batch old_batch[1] = new_targets
[docs] class CutMixCallback(Callback): """Callback that perform CutMix augmentation on the input batch. Assumes the first dimension is batch. Reference: `rwightman/pytorch-image-models/ <>`_ """ def __init__(self, alpha: float = 0.4, softmax_target: bool = False, minmax: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None): super().__init__() self.alpha = alpha self.softmax_target = softmax_target self.minmax = minmax
[docs] def on_train_batch_start(self, trainer, pl_module, batch, batch_idx): old_batch = batch batch, targets = batch batch_flipped = batch.flip(0).clone() lambd = np.random.beta(self.alpha, self.alpha, batch.size(0)) for i in range(batch.shape[0]): (yl, yh, xl, xh), lambd_tmp = cutmix_bbox_and_lam( batch.shape, lambd[i], ratio_minmax=self.minmax, correct_lam=True) lambd[i] = lambd_tmp # fill in the cut regions batch[i, :, yl:yh, xl:xh] = batch_flipped[i, :, yl:yh, xl:xh] # Create the tensor and expand (for target) lambd_tensor = -1, *[1 for _ in range(len(targets.size())-1)] ).expand(-1, *targets.shape[1:]) # Combine targets if self.softmax_target: new_targets = torch.stack([ targets.float(), targets.flip(0).float(), lambd_tensor ], dim=1) else: new_targets = ( targets * lambd_tensor + targets.flip(0) * (1-lambd_tensor) ) old_batch[0] = batch old_batch[1] = new_targets
[docs] class MixUpCallback(Callback): """Callback that perform MixUp augmentation on the input batch. Assumes the first dimension is batch. Works best with pytorch_lightning_spells.losses.MixupSoftmaxLoss Reference: `'s implementation <>`_ """ def __init__(self, alpha: float = 0.4, softmax_target: bool = False): super().__init__() self.alpha = alpha self.softmax_target = softmax_target
[docs] def on_train_batch_start(self, trainer, pl_module, batch, batch_idx): old_batch = batch batch, targets = batch batch_flipped = batch.flip(0).clone() lambd = np.random.beta(self.alpha, self.alpha, batch.size(0)) lambd = np.concatenate( [lambd[:, np.newaxis], 1-lambd[:, np.newaxis]], axis=1 ).max(axis=1) # Create the tensor and expand (for batch inputs) lambd_tensor = -1, *[1 for _ in range(len(batch.size())-1)] ).expand(-1, *batch.shape[1:]) # Combine input batch new_batch = (batch * lambd_tensor + batch_flipped * (1-lambd_tensor)) # Create the tensor and expand (for target) lambd_tensor = -1, *[1 for _ in range(len(targets.size())-1)] ).expand(-1, *targets.shape[1:]) # Combine targets if self.softmax_target: new_targets = torch.stack([ targets.float(), targets.flip(0).float(), lambd_tensor ], dim=1) else: new_targets = ( targets * lambd_tensor + targets.flip(0) * (1-lambd_tensor) ) old_batch[0] = new_batch old_batch[1] = new_targets
[docs] class TelegramCallback(Callback): """A Telegram notification callback Reference: `huggingface/knockknock <>`_ """ DATE_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%d" def __init__(self, token: str, chat_id: int, name: str, report_evals: bool = False): try: import telegram except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Please install 'python-telegram-bot' before using TelegramCallback.") self._token = token self.telegram_bot = telegram.Bot(token=self._token) self.host_name = socket.gethostname() self.report_evals = report_evals self.chat_id = chat_id = name self.start_time =
[docs] def send_message(self, text): try: self.telegram_bot.send_message(chat_id=self.chat_id, text=text) except telegram.error.TimeOut: # Ignore timeouts and continue training pass
[docs] def on_train_start(self, trainer: pl.Trainer, pl_module: pl.LightningModule): self.start_time = contents = [ f'{} has started training 🎬', 'Machine name: %s' % self.host_name, 'Starting date: %s' % self.start_time.strftime( TelegramCallback.DATE_FORMAT) ] text = '\n'.join(contents) self.send_message(text=text)
[docs] def on_train_end(self, trainer: pl.Trainer, pl_module: pl.LightningModule): end_time = elapsed_time = end_time - self.start_time contents = [ f'{} has finished training 🎉', 'Machine name: %s' % self.host_name, 'Starting date: %s' % self.start_time.strftime( TelegramCallback.DATE_FORMAT), 'End date: %s' % end_time.strftime( TelegramCallback.DATE_FORMAT), 'Training duration: %s' % str(elapsed_time) ] text = '\n'.join(contents) self.send_message(text=text)
[docs] def on_validation_end(self, trainer: pl.Trainer, pl_module: pl.LightningModule): metrics, meta = self._collect_metrics(trainer) if self.report_evals is False: return contents = [ f"Metrics from {} at step {meta['step']} (epoch {meta['epoch']}):" ] contents += [ f"{metric_name}: {metric_value:.6f}" for metric_name, metric_value in metrics.items() if metric_name != "epoch" ] text = '\n'.join(contents) self.send_message(text=text)
def _collect_metrics(self, trainer): ckpt_name_metrics = deepcopy(trainer.logger_connector.logged_metrics) # ckpt_name_metrics.update(trainer.logger_connector.callback_metrics) # ckpt_name_metrics.update(trainer.logger_connector.progress_bar_metrics) meta = {"step": trainer.global_step, "epoch": trainer.current_epoch} return ckpt_name_metrics, meta
[docs] class LookaheadCallback(Callback): """Switch to the slow weights before evaluation and switch back after. """
[docs] def on_validation_start(self, trainer, pl_module): optimizer = trainer.optimizers(use_pl_optimizer=False) if hasattr(optimizer, "_backup_and_load_cache"): print("load slow parameters") optimizer._backup_and_load_cache()
[docs] def on_validation_end(self, trainer, pl_module): optimizer = trainer.optimizers(use_pl_optimizer=False) if hasattr(optimizer, "_clear_and_load_backup"): print("load fast parameters") optimizer._clear_and_load_backup()
[docs] class LookaheadModelCheckpoint(ModelCheckpoint): """Combines LookaheadCallback and ModelCheckpoint """
[docs] def on_validation_start(self, trainer, pl_module): for optimizer in trainer.optimizers: if hasattr(optimizer, "_backup_and_load_cache"): print("load slow parameters") optimizer._backup_and_load_cache() super().on_validation_start(trainer, pl_module)
[docs] def on_validation_end(self, trainer, pl_module): super().on_validation_end(trainer, pl_module) for optimizer in trainer.optimizers: if hasattr(optimizer, "_clear_and_load_backup"): print("load fast parameters") optimizer._clear_and_load_backup()